
ABA Assessment

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) assessment

Spectrum offers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) assessment to measure your child’s performance across different areas. This assessment can inform the goals and structure of your child’s therapy program based on his or her needs. 

The assessment is designed to determine the current skills of your child in the following areas:

  • Language and communication skills
  • Social behavior and skills
  • Self-help and daily living skills
  • Play and leisure skills
  • Significant problem behavior

Schedule ABA Assessment

Educational Assessment

Spectrum offers standardized educational assessment that determines the level of your child in key academic areas: reading , writing, math, listening and speaking and how your child performs relative to same-aged peers on the same tasks.

Your child will be assessed by our trained assessment specialist and a written report will be given and discussed to show the result of assessment. Result of educational assessment can guide stakeholders (parents, teachers, school administrators) to determine the most appropriate educational program for your child.

Schedule an Educational Assessment